Common Law Capers
Trademark registration and its protection is an important part of running any business. However, it is not as simple as it seems. The first and the most common mistake made by most up and coming businesses is to take on a a common law trade name. Very often the names that are chosen are names that are generic or inappropriate and should remain available to all of those who compete in that industry. This is not always kept in mind leading to litigations and claims which can prove to be detrimenta
Preforeclosure and Bankruptcy Tips
Are you worried about the chance of your home heading into a foreclosure situation? Then preforeclosure assistance is obtainable, for free. If yes, help at no cost to you whether you need preforeclosure assistance, are in bankruptcy and want to avoid foreclosure, or just concerned that you might be at financial risk and you want to learn more about the preforeclosure definition. Unfortunately, many USA citizens actually lose their property to foreclosure every year. The reas...
Drunk Driving In Philadelphia
Drunk Driving In Philadelphia
DUI arrests are a common occurance in every city, but Philadelphia most likely has the largest in in the state of PA.
Understanding Cyberstalking
Understanding Cyberstalking
Cyberstalking is a fairly new term now commonly used to refer to the online version of stalking someone. It is an undesirable product brought about by the effectiveness of the Web into connecting people online. It is a particularly serious subject that still requires careful study and may pose a challenge to law enforcement authorities in terms of prevention and prosecution..... Read
Curbing Violence against Women
Women have been subjected to violence throughout history, and although this horrendous action is condemned by all societies, it is still prevalent in many, especially the third world countries. In a survey carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2005, out of the ten counties surveyed, more than 50 percent of women in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Peru and Tanzania reported having been subjected to physical or sexual violence by intimate partners, with figures reaching a staggering 71% ..... Read
Learn About Immigration Law - Check on Your Green Card Status
Immigration Law was established because many foreigners wanted to come to the United States to have a better life and they needed to have a standard of law. In the beginning of the countries history there was a open door policy towards immigrants and anybody could come to have a new life. But then in the late 1800's they started limiting certain groups from coming in and these were mainly savory characters looking for trouble. By the early 20's the Us had a quota system and this further produces.......... Read
Patent Classification System
Curbing Violence against Women
Women have been subjected to violence throughout history, and although this horrendous action is condemned by all societies, it is still prevalent in many, especially the third world countries. In a survey carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2005, out of the ten counties surveyed, more than 50 percent of women in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Peru and Tanzania reported having been subjected to physical or sexual violence by intimate partners, with figures reaching a staggering 71% ..... Read
Learn About Immigration Law - Check on Your Green Card Status
Immigration Law was established because many foreigners wanted to come to the United States to have a better life and they needed to have a standard of law. In the beginning of the countries history there was a open door policy towards immigrants and anybody could come to have a new life. But then in the late 1800's they started limiting certain groups from coming in and these were mainly savory characters looking for trouble. By the early 20's the Us had a quota system and this further produces.......... Read
Patent Classification System
A patent specification contains detailed description of the invention and defined contents such as title, abstract, description and claim. In order to organise and index the technical information of patent, patent classification scheme was introduced. Basically, it helps in retrieving the patent documents for studying a particular area of technology and to identify the novelty of an invention........ Read
Archiving, Your Website and the Law
Archiving, Your Website and the Law
Have you considered the legal exposure your organization has simply by having a website? The most common area of website management - your content – can incur great risk if not properly managed. However, by implementing the proper procedures and properly archiving updates, you can avoid any legal ramifications.......... Read
Final Rule: PPIRS for MACs, GWACs, and Skeds
Final Rule: PPIRS for MACs, GWACs, and Skeds
final rule published in the Federal Register on July 1 will now require contracting officers to use the Past Performance Information Retrieval System to record past performance information for companies that obtain GSA Federal Supply Schedule contact awards in excess of $100,000, task/delivery orders off of other government-wide acquisition contracts, and multi-agency contracts........ Read
Patent Application Drafting is an Art
Patent Application Drafting is an Art
Nurse Killed In Bakersfield Because Of Drunk Drivers Carelessness
What is GHS?
Have You Patented Your Idea?

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