What is Solar System
The Sun, the planets around the Sun and the satellites around the planets are jointly called the Solar system.
The planets in the solar system move in a regulated path, why
Because of the gravitational force of attraction of the Sun
What is cosmic year
The revolution of the Solar system around the center of the Milky Way is called cosmic year. Time taken for one revolution is 250 million years.
What is the distance of Solar system from the center of the galaxy?
It is 30,000 to 33,000 light years.
From where was Solar system originated?
It was originate in a primitive Solar Nebula of a rotating disc of gas and dust
What is Van Allen Belt?
Van Allen Belt is a Zone of Ozone in the ionosphere
What is the importance of Van Allen Belt?
Van Allen Belt keeps away the ions and poison gases from outer space. The deflection of the ions by the Van Allen Belt is seen as auroras.
Who discovered the Van Allen Belt and When?
The American scientist Van Allen discovered it in Nov ember 1958
What is Parsec?
It is a measure of distance in the space, equivalent to 3,262 light years.
What is a geo-stationary satellite
It is a satellite that revolves round the earth at a suitable height with same velocity and in the same direction as earth does in its own axis.
What is Edwin Hubble’s theory?
The farther away a galaxy is, the faster it is receding from the earth.

What sort of star is Sun?
Sun is a shining spherical heavenly body around which our Earth and other planets rotate. It belongs to a family of about 100,000 million stars in our galaxy.
What is the diameter of the Sun?
It is 1392000k.m.
The average distance from the Earth to the Sun
(a) 147097000k.m. when the Sun is nearest to the Earth. (b) 152099000k.m. when the Sun is at the longest distance from the Earth.
What is the weight of the Sun?
33 lakes times more than that of the Earth.
The gravitational force of the Sun:
It is 28 times more than that of the Earth.
Time taken by the Sun for one rotation on its axis:
25.4 days. (at the Equator) 33 days (near the Poles).
What is the diameter of the Sun’s orbit?
It is 60000 light years.
The outermost layer of the Sun:
Corona. Corona changes its shape according to the speed of motion of the Sun.
The innermost layer in the Sun:
The Photosphere.
The region in between the corona and photosphere:
Chromo sphere.
Why is the Chromo sphere called so?
Because of the reddish color.
The main components of Photosphere:
Hydrogen(71%), helium (26.5%), and other elements (2.5%).
What is the name given to the interior part of the Sun?
The Thermosphere.
How does the Sun derive its energy?
By nuclear fusion reaction.
What is Photosphere?
It is the region of the Sun where energy formation takes place.
What is Chromo sphere?
The layer around the Photosphere is called Chromo sphere.
What are Sun spots?
The black dots appearing on the sun.
When was the largest Sunspot detected? What was its size
The largest sunspot was detected on 8th April 1974. It covered an area of 7000 million sq. miles.
What is the temperature at the core of the sun, where thermo-nuclear reaction takes place?
Around 15 millions 0 K.
What is the mass of the Sun?
The mass is 332946 times as much as that of the Earth. (1.958 x 1027 tons).
What is Solar Eclipse?
When the Sun, the Earth and the Moon come in a straight line with the Moon in the middle, the people of Earth will not be able to see the Sun clearly for a short time. It is called the Solar Eclipse.
What is the duration of Solar Eclipse?
7minutes, 31 seconds.
What is Aurora?
A strange brightness appearing occasionally in Polar Regions.
What is the height of the smallest and largest Aurora
Largest 1000 km., smallest 72.5k.m.
Which are the two Auroras?
Aurora Borealis in the North Polar Region and Aurora Austral is in the South Polar Region.
Aurora Borealis in the North Polar Region and Aurora Austral is in the South Polar Region.
Two Aurora
Who discovered the Polar
James Van Allen (USA) in 1959.

What sort of star is Sun?
Sun is a shining spherical heavenly body around which our Earth and other planets rotate. It belongs to a family of about 100,000 million stars in our galaxy.
What is the diameter of the Sun?
It is 1392000k.m.
The average distance from the Earth to the Sun
(a) 147097000k.m. when the Sun is nearest to the Earth. (b) 152099000k.m. when the Sun is at the longest distance from the Earth.
What is the weight of the Sun?
33 lakes times more than that of the Earth.
The gravitational force of the Sun:
It is 28 times more than that of the Earth.
Time taken by the Sun for one rotation on its axis:
25.4 days. (at the Equator) 33 days (near the Poles).
What is the diameter of the Sun’s orbit?
It is 60000 light years.
The outermost layer of the Sun:
Corona. Corona changes its shape according to the speed of motion of the Sun.
The innermost layer in the Sun:
The Photosphere.
The region in between the corona and photosphere:
Chromo sphere.
Why is the Chromo sphere called so?
Because of the reddish color.
The main components of Photosphere:
Hydrogen(71%), helium (26.5%), and other elements (2.5%).
What is the name given to the interior part of the Sun?
The Thermosphere.
How does the Sun derive its energy?
By nuclear fusion reaction.
What is Photosphere?
It is the region of the Sun where energy formation takes place.
What is Chromo sphere?
The layer around the Photosphere is called Chromo sphere.
What are Sun spots?
The black dots appearing on the sun.
When was the largest Sunspot detected? What was its size
The largest sunspot was detected on 8th April 1974. It covered an area of 7000 million sq. miles.
What is the temperature at the core of the sun, where thermo-nuclear reaction takes place?
Around 15 millions 0 K.
What is the mass of the Sun?
The mass is 332946 times as much as that of the Earth. (1.958 x 1027 tons).
What is Solar Eclipse?
When the Sun, the Earth and the Moon come in a straight line with the Moon in the middle, the people of Earth will not be able to see the Sun clearly for a short time. It is called the Solar Eclipse.
What is the duration of Solar Eclipse?
7minutes, 31 seconds.
What is Aurora?
A strange brightness appearing occasionally in Polar Regions.
What is the height of the smallest and largest Aurora
Largest 1000 km., smallest 72.5k.m.
Which are the two Auroras?
Aurora Borealis in the North Polar Region and Aurora Austral is in the South Polar Region.
Aurora Borealis in the North Polar Region and Aurora Austral is in the South Polar Region.
Two Aurora
Who discovered the Polar
James Van Allen (USA) in 1959.
Nice :-)
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